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Sourceidea is your pool of professional resources able to make the desired change happen within your organization.

Sourceidea is your pool of professional resources able to make the desired change happen within your organization.

We do not take the wheel. We bring together knowledgeable and experienced coaches with a constructive attitude who can very quickly begin to support and guide the team to better results.

We ensure the match!


Coaching is probably the most important method we use. Professional coaching as defined by the International Coach Federation ICF.

Coaching is the art of asking the right questions. Maybe even more the art of not providing ‘the answer’. It may sound a bit ‘soft’ but experience shows (and the theory confirms) that all answers are already present. It is the role of the coach to facilitate the person, team or organisation to come to the most effective choices themselves. This will ensure adequate support is provided leading to faster implementation producing more effective results. Importantly with an approach that is sustainable into the future. 

Coaching, individual or as a team, delivers unexpected results. Crucial though, is the ‘click’ between coach and coachee. Organisations by definition consist of many people working in different situations, therefore working with a group of coaches is a must. Our network organisation offers a mix of personalities and specific professional qualities to enable the highest chance of a positive match.

Here you will not find a picture book with coach profiles. That would appear to increase the possibility to choose but in fact is the main trap in the process of finding the optimum match. We prefer to get in touch personally, understand the challenge and only then start the matching process. 

Advise & Management consulting
Sourceidea is also your network provider of management consultants. Our knowledge and experience ranges from Finance, Procurement and Operational, to HR, Sales and Legal. Our team members have worked in various industries and markets.

We work closely together with the largest Management Consultancy firm from Central and Eastern Europe, Civitta. This allows us to support large international change or optimization programs as well as implementations.

Civitta is a pragmatic young and dynamic organisation equipped with the necessary resources to provide excellent management consultancy but without the “Big 4” attitude and prices. With each challenge we adopt the coaching approach. What comes from within has the highest chance to succeed, be accepted and sustained.

Sourceidea takes the role of the matchmaker. We engage and deploy in a way that ensures the outcome to be supported, delivered and the results sustained by the organisation, long after we have rolled off the project.

More ibformation about Civitta

DGA Knowledge Centre
Our team of coaches, consultants and trainers/teachers, we offer a unique mix for entrepreneurs. DGA (Directeur Groot Aandeelhouder) Knowledge Centre organises lectures around topics relevant for every entrepreneur.

An experienced entrepreneur knows that knowledge has be firstly acquired then leveraged to ensure their future success. Every single development phase of a business requires new and different knowledge. It is the time needed to obtain that knowledge which usually creates challenges.
In order to cover for both, DGA Knowledge Centre offers a subscription to the lecture programs.

We work in small interactive groups and link theory and practice in an effective manner. No exams or certifications. It is the result in the business that counts. This is why the lectures are coupled with individual coaching, mentoring and advise.
And, because networking is an essential part of the day-to-day work, we facilitate a network knowledge lunch in combination with each lecture.
Learn, Lunch and Network!

DGA Knowledge Centre – Start-up
What is it you need in order to earn a living with your professionalism, your passion?

Have you just started the life as an entrepreneur or are you about to? Then please contact us as soon as possible. We have all the knowledge and experience in house to make it a so much more effective, efficient and more pleasant journey. 

“You have to do it yourself but you don’t have to do it alone!”

Our team of coaches, consultants and trainers/teachers, offer a unique mix for entrepreneurs. DGA (Directeur Groot Aandeelhouder) Knowledge Centre organises lectures around topics relevant for every entrepreneur. A starter has different needs than an experienced entrepreneur.
Starters are more than welcome to participate in the regular lectures of DGA Knowledge Centre. We have developed tailer made starter lectures for the new entrepreneur though. Like with all lectures of DGA Knowledge Centre, the knowledge Network lunch is included and a fixed element of the program.

We have developed a sound knowledge base, with best practice ideas on how to responsibly and in sustainable ways run your business.
We take the time to make sure you get the most effective results from your investment decisions. The mix of lectures, advise, coaching and mentoring will give you a flying start!

A starter for us is everyone who has started a business in the last 7 years or is considering to take that step to become an entrepreneur.

Coaching is probably the most important method we use. Professional coaching as defined by the International Coach Federation ICF.

Coaching is the art of asking the right questions. Maybe even more the art of not providing ‘the answer’. It may sound a bit ‘soft’ but experience shows (and the theory confirms) that all answers are already present. It is the role of the coach to facilitate the person, team or organisation to come to the most effective choices themselves. This will ensure adequate support is provided leading to faster implementation producing more effective results. Importantly with an approach that is sustainable into the future. 

Coaching, individual or as a team, delivers unexpected results. Crucial though, is the ‘click’ between coach and coachee. Organisations by definition consist of many people working in different situations, therefore working with a group of coaches is a must. Our network organisation offers a mix of personalities and specific professional qualities to enable the highest chance of a positive match.

Here you will not find a picture book with coach profiles. That would appear to increase the possibility to choose but in fact is the main trap in the process of finding the optimum match. We prefer to get in touch personally, understand the challenge and only then start the matching process. 

Advise & Management consulting
Sourceidea is also your network provider of management consultants. Our knowledge and experience ranges from Finance, Procurement and Operational, to HR, Sales and Legal. Our team members have worked in various industries and markets.

We work closely together with the largest Management Consultancy firm from Central and Eastern Europe, Civitta. This allows us to support large international change or optimization programs as well as implementations.

Civitta is a pragmatic young and dynamic organisation equipped with the necessary resources to provide excellent management consultancy but without the “Big 4” attitude and prices. With each challenge we adopt the coaching approach. What comes from within has the highest chance to succeed, be accepted and sustained.

Sourceidea takes the role of the matchmaker. We engage and deploy in a way that ensures the outcome to be supported, delivered and the results sustained by the organisation, long after we have rolled off the project.

More information about Civitta


DGA Knowledge Centre
Our team of coaches, consultants and trainers/teachers, we offer a unique mix for entrepreneurs. DGA (Directeur Groot Aandeelhouder) Knowledge Centre organises lectures around topics relevant for every entrepreneur.

An experienced entrepreneur knows that knowledge has be firstly acquired then leveraged to ensure their future success. Every single development phase of a business requires new and different knowledge. It is the time needed to obtain that knowledge which usually creates challenges.
In order to cover for both, DGA Knowledge Centre offers a subscription to the lecture programs.

We work in small interactive groups and link theory and practice in an effective manner. No exams or certifications. It is the result in the business that counts. This is why the lectures are coupled with individual coaching, mentoring and advise.
And, because networking is an essential part of the day-to-day work, we facilitate a network knowledge lunch in combination with each lecture.
Learn, Lunch and Network!

DGA Knowledge Centre Start-up

What is it you need in order to earn a living with your professionalism, your passion?
Have you just started the life as an entrepreneur or are you about to? Then please contact us as soon as possible. We have all the knowledge and experience in house to make it a so much more effective, efficient and more pleasant journey. 

“You have to do it yourself but you don’t have to do it alone!”

Our team of coaches, consultants and trainers/teachers, offer a unique mix for entrepreneurs. DGA (Directeur Groot Aandeelhouder) Knowledge Centre organises lectures around topics relevant for every entrepreneur. A starter has different needs than an experienced entrepreneur.
Starters are more than welcome to participate in the regular lectures of DGA Knowledge Centre. We have developed tailer made starter lectures for the new entrepreneur though. Like with all lectures of DGA Knowledge Centre, the knowledge Network lunch is included and a fixed element of the program.

We have developed a sound knowledge base, with best practice ideas on how to responsibly and in sustainable ways run your business.
We take the time to make sure you get the most effective results from your investment decisions. The mix of lectures, advise, coaching and mentoring will give you a flying start!

A starter for us is everyone who has started a business in the last 7 years or is considering to take that step to become an entrepreneur.


5 + 1 =

Contact: Sybren Tuinstra
Telefoon: 06 290 99 000